Fodmap do-over?

Ugh. Maybe

Friends. Here we are. It’s been a rough week and I hope you are all doing well.

So as I’ve mentioned on YouTube, my knee is giving me a lot of trouble. Not fun. I’m talking to people who have been through similar things and researching and weighing my options going forward.

Something I didn’t consider as “pain” but TOTALLY is and is annoying- stomach pain. I’ve dealt with digestion issues for FOREVER. Last year in February, I met with a dietitian who suggested it might be IBS and suggested a low fodmap elimination diet. I sort of did it last year through March, but I don’t think I did the reintroduction that well. I learned A LOT and was able to feel better for a while, but my tum tum issues have been creeping back in, and I think I need a fresh start.

Am I excited…. no. It was hard, but there are worse things. And if I can figure something out? Worth it.

Dammit! I just realized no diet root beer……… still ok… still ok….

Goodbye for now, dear friend…

I’m not qualified to teach anyone about a fodmaps, so check out this link! I somehow can’t make this a better looking link… what the hell is wrong with me……

So today, we meal plan and get a grocery list together! Wish me luck!

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